Do you remember those times when you were a child and it took you a max of 5 minutes to find new friends on the playground? When we got there, making and keeping new friendships became much more difficult. Don’t worry you are not alone, most adults are struggling with a similar problem nowadays!
The most common reasons for those problems are the lack of time, ideas, or social anxiety, so common from 2020!
However, I have good news for you! Finding real friends is possible at any age and in many different ways. In this article, I am going to share with you some great tips on how to meet new people and build long-term relationships with them!

- Get out of your home!
The simplest and most important rule is to basically leave your house. You will not meet new people while sitting on the couch, unless with the help of mobile applications, which we will mention later. However, it is going outside that creates opportunities to get to know new friends. We never know what adventure awaits us there and who we will meet.
2. Sign up for group activities
If you have any specific interests, don’t wait just sign up for a class. It doesn’t matter if it’s fitness, painting or reading books. There are many sports clubs and hobbies to join of all ages. The easiest way is to connect with people with similar interests, and the common activities will help you to meet the other members regularly.
3. Make the first move
We often meet a lot of people at work or school. Don´t be afraid to make the 1st move and ask your college to grab some coffee after work. Many people would love to spend more time with their colleges, but don´t come out with initiatives as they are afraid of rejection. You really have nothing to lose, just try and take the initiative!
4. Practice the art of conversation
Leading an interesting conversation is like an art. How many times have you experienced an embarrassing silence when talking to someone or the topic was mostly concentrated on the weather? It doesn’t have to be that way! If you do not feel comfortable talking to strangers, read the guide or find helpful articles on the internet. There are thousands of topics to talk about and the ability to lead a successful discussion is a really unique skill nowadays.

5. Listen to the other person
The skill of listening is also very valuable, and people will appreciate us if we listen to what they say. Don’t be afraid to ask for opinions or advice, people are happy to give tips if they feel heard. Additionally, show that you remember what someone told you, e.g. if your friend told you that he loves Asian food, then next time you can suggest a meeting in a Chinese restaurant.
6. Remember people’s birthdays!
You probably know how nice it is when others give us birthday wishes! It brings joy to both sides and is also a great way to renew old contacts, as well as bring new acquaintances to a higher level. Therefore, always remember about your friends’ birthdays!
7. Smile!
Sometimes it is enough to start a new friendship. If both of you are in an unusual situation, such as you get stuck under a bridge during heavy rain, or your train is late, you can start your acquaintance with a smile. Even if you don’t become friends, you will both have a better day.
8. Join the internet forums
There are many forums and groups on the Internet on various topics, problems, and interests. Make sure you belong to the groups that suit your preferences and don’t be afraid to participate in discussions there. Some groups unite people and offer opportunities to meet each other.
9. Mobile applications
We live in the 21st century which gives us tremendous digital possibilities! So why not use them? There are online apps that can help you meet new people based on location, age, appearance, or interests. If you are shy or are looking for quick solutions, mobile apps may be the perfect idea for you. The Lifebonder application will soon be launched on the market, where you will be able to meet new friends with the same interests and also participate in various events with them!